Help promote your business through our digital program by placing an ad or showing your support through our booster page!

The following is a price list of available ad spaces for the ABW Day Program:

Cover …………………………………..$65.00

Full Page……………………………….$55.00

Half Page………………………………$45.00

Small Space (Business Card)……….$20.00

All ads must be submitted using forms provided and must stay within the border of the space paid for. Please be sure that you are submitting ORIGINAL copies of your ad that are clean and legible. Xerox copies of your ad do not print well. Return copy-ready ad with check payable to Florida’s 1st Coast Area Council,  ABWA to:

Dawn Lunt
961687 Gateway Blvd, Suite 201-B
Fernandina Beach, FL 32034

DEADLINE to return ad copy is July 26, 2024.

Note: When sending in ads, please include name, telephone number and chapter name of the person making the sale.  Call Dawn Lunt at (904) 261-2114 if you have any questions regarding this.

BOOSTER PAGE: There will be a Booster Page in this year’s program.  If you would
like to participate, the cost is $2.00 per name.  There will also be a separate MEMORIAL PAGE for anyone you would like to remember.  PLEASE PRINT THE NAME AS IT SHOULD APPEAR IN THE PROGRAM and notate if “Booster” or “Memorial”.   Forward the funds and pages to Dawn Lunt at the above address prior to the deadline date.